lionfish spot

i just got a new "volitans" lionfish. i think it's probably actually a russelli, since the black markings are missing from the fins, but it is quite small, could those markings develop with age? it has bright white markings on the ventral fins, and one smallish black spot on the adipose fin... it doesn't look like ich or a parasite or anything, it just looks like pigment... is it possible a spotless lionfish could have just one spot on its fin?


the markings of a Russell lion is pretty different than a Volitans. if you do an online search, you'll note the stripe pattern differences. If the lions has no spots on any of its fins, good chance its a russells and In my experiences the spots don't come w/ age, they usually go the opposite way
got a photo?
it's definitely a russells. the black spot on its adipose looks identical to what a finspot would look like on a volitans except that there is only one, is this just a pigmentation thing that i shouldn't worry about?