Lionfish Spray?


New Member
Ok so my lionfish moved really suddenly this morning and when he did it looked like "milk" came off all his fins (and he is a big lion fish). Anyways the milky fluid floated around for a bit and when I came home 3 hours later EVERYTHING was dead including the lion.
Everything includes:
100 hermits,
60 snails,
2 stars,
5 crabs,
Foxface rabbit,
Soldier Fish,
Bird Face Wrasse,
and a few damsels.
Was a 125 gallon tank. Only other notable changes was a UV sterilizer installed 2 days ago. Was it this milky fluid the lion fish made or something else that just decimated my whole tank?


Hate to hear about that.Man thats hard to lose a whole tank like that.
Makes me happy I traded my lion this morning.


Try posting this in the Agressive forum. Some Lion experts might have an answer. I'd never heard of a Lion expelling its venom...


I had the same problem but when I did a water change. Every thing was fine until I change the water. I fell asleep and woke up to everyone breathing very heavy if not dead. The only thing I could think of is that something was wrong with the water or if the Gold Line Grouper expeled some venom. I think it was the Gold Line.
I waited a few days and put back the damsels and they were acting like I threw them in hot water and died with in 30 seconds.