Lionfish wounded?


New Member
Hi guys. I woke up this morning and found what i believe is a wound on the right side my lionfish. His stripes also looks a little reddish than normal. He didnt want to eat this morning and he usually grabs the silversides that i feed him w/o any problem. 1 yellow tang, 2 yt damsel and 1 clown in a 55g are his tankmates. Water parameter are within normal limits Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 15, PH 8.2 I have a feeling that the tang did this to him but im really not sure. Im still kinda new to the hobby so if anyone has any suggestion on what to do id highly appreciate it.


New Member
Ive had them since september and added the lionfish the last week of november. Eveything was going fine until now. When i got back home last nite i found my lionfish dead
I was very upset because he was my favorite one..


Staff member
Do you have a QT for him? If the tang is being aggressive, you can count on that behavior continuing. Also, tang swords carry a lot of bacteria that commonly result in infection of wounds. If you have a cycled QT, a course with antibiotics would be wise. But you need a cycled QT.


Originally Posted by Tang_ina
Ive had them since september and added the lionfish the last week of november. Eveything was going fine until now. When i got back home last nite i found my lionfish dead
I was very upset because he was my favorite one..
I am so terribibly sorry. To tell the truth he wasn't right for a 55 anyway. Don't buy another. Your YT is cramped in that tank and is likely to terrorize any fish that you add. Get a larger tank or get rid of the YT. Sorry to be so blunt but you will see how much your YT does not like the small tank. His health will decline. It is just a matter of when. The only lion suited for a 55 is a dwarf, fuzzy, or Fu Manchu.


New Member
Thanks for the input guys. Yea i have used and put all my fishes in qt tank before putting them into the main tank. Im currently in search for a 125 tank around my area right now hopefully i can find one asap