


I think my box fish gave my volitan ich. Im treating the box fish in a container right now but what should i do with the lionfish and i dont want it to spread through my tank. Im using something call NOXich right now. If i treated my whole tank would it kill my inverts??
Any suggestions are great


if one fish in your tank has ich then the whole tank is infected. you will have to remove all the fish and treat them in a seperate tank (QT). by leaving the main tank fishless for at least 4 weeks will ensure that the ich has died off.
i hae never heard of NOXich.
the only 2 ways of killing ich is hyposalinity or copper, neither one can be done in a reef tank.


Staff member
Lion, lets try to pin this problem down in one thread so that we can help you. Spell out the whole problem so we can see it in one place. That is the best way to get good advise around here.
A 10 gal is too small for all your fish. Give some info on your tank please.