

I went to get some food today for my humu humu, and there was a lion fish for a price i couldnt pass up. Ive read that while sometimes there may be problems with the trigger picking, i made sure i had a back up to give the trigger or the lionfish to a friend if they become a problem.
Here is a picture, taken on my 3 year old 2megapix sony

Its already eating frozen mysis shrimp, and even munched on a krill that i was feeding to the trigger


Originally Posted by V-Lioness
Beautiful lion :joy: Nice to see you are prepared just in-case......

Yeah, They havent paid any attention to each other that ive seen, But then again, its only those 2 fish in a 150 gallon tank with a good bit of rockwork, but i would just rather be prepaired incase

nm reef

Active Member
Very nice photos...

keep us posted on how they get along...I've always heard that triggers will pick on lionfish....hopefully yours will peacefully co-exist.


keep your trigger well fed
I have a pinktail with my lion
I used to have a problem with my trigger eating my lions fins when i fed 1 every 4 days
but since i switched to small portions every day their has been no problems since
Sorry to steal the post just tryin to make a point


Originally Posted by wanabebell
keep your trigger well fed
I have a pinktail with my lion
I used to have a problem with my trigger eating my lions fins when i fed 1 every 4 days
but since i switched to small portions every day their has been no problems since
Sorry to steal the post just tryin to make a point
Not stealing the post, actually very helpful, thanks!


I also had a trigger and lion together and like wanabebell said I would feed every day and didn't have a problem.