

New Member
Just wondering how often you all feed your lion? Im at about every other day. Hes only eating feeders right now, i feed about 3 feeders. Good or bad?


Active Member
I feed Mon, Wed and Fri.
What feeders are you using? How big are the feeders? How big is the lionfish? What kind of lionfish is it?
I feed until there is a nice size lump/bulge in their bellies.


i USED to have a lionfish, got rid of it tho, so i could get baby clowns,
my lion was roughly 5" long, and i used to feed it hole cockles once a day, it would only eat 1, even tho i'd feed twice a day because of my puffer and trigger, but yeh, it would eat once a day with one whole cockle, and it had a nice plumb belly, seemed happy and healthy
oh yes, and it was a volitans lionfish


I have a question about the feeding habits of lionfish, alittle of the OP question, but didnt want to start a new thread. I have a 9in V.lion, that has ate silversides 3 days a week for over a year. but all of a sudden he hasnt been interested in eating for a week now. He has never had a mood swing like this but was wondering if this was normal. I checked the water parameters, ph is 7.7 , amoni is 0, and nitrates a little high at 40, but it is a fish only tank. 100gallon also


Active Member
Originally Posted by trainman
I have a question about the feeding habits of lionfish, alittle of the OP question, but didnt want to start a new thread. I have a 9in V.lion, that has ate silversides 3 days a week for over a year. but all of a sudden he hasnt been interested in eating for a week now. He has never had a mood swing like this but was wondering if this was normal. I checked the water parameters, ph is 7.7 , amoni is 0, and nitrates a little high at 40, but it is a fish only tank. 100gallon also
You need to get some vitamins in him. He's probably deficient in something being fed a non-varied diet.


Active Member
I feed my lions 3-4 times per week. They love PE Mysis. One of the 3 was not eating anything except brine, but when I switched to the pe mysis, he started eating almost right away.
You definitely want to get them off of feeders. There is nothing nutritious there.