Every time go into my LFS the first thing I do is go check out the lionfish (my favorite). The first few times I went(about 2 months ago) they all looked good, they had volitans and fuzzys. But the last few weeks every time I go they look worse and worse. They have zebras and volitans in there now, the 2 zebras both have super clowdy eyes which Im worried about. Also lately all the lions have just been squeezing together in the top corner of the tank pointing straight up. Anyone seen this behavior from lions before? And what do you think is wrong with them? Also would you buy one of the zebras and try to treat the clowdy eyes or would you not buy from the tank at all?
ps: 1 of the volitans looks healthy and floats by himself most of the time. Would it be ok to buy him?
ps: 1 of the volitans looks healthy and floats by himself most of the time. Would it be ok to buy him?