Lions Living Together


Looking to start an aggressive tank with lions as the only fish. The compatibility charts I have read state they can live peacefully together, is this true? Do they have to be a different species of lion? I would like to get a pair.
Also this is my first experience with lions, I have had my reef tank with corals for three years now. Any suggestions on what type of lion to start with? I plan on a 75 gallon with live rock and eventually adding some corals. I already know I will not get a fuzzy, they lie around to much.


Here is an exellent article on lionfish that should answer all those questions and more.
The volitans is the obvious best choice, but they get to 15" long so a pair will be too pushing it for a 75g tank down the road. Russell's lionfish is therefor a safer but, look the same as volitans but a little smaller at around 10". There is also the radiata or antennata but they can be even less active than the fuzzies.
hope those help,