

New Member
Im starting to set up a reef tank (100 g's) and my girlfriend really wants a lionfish. Is this at all a reasonable application to a reef or would it destroy it. Ive heard that a dwarf lion would be good but no one has been to sure. Help me out


I have a red volitan lion and he/she(?) doesnt bother anything like coral or anemones but shrimp, crabs and smaller fish are gone as soon as seen (except hermits must be the shell)
A Dwarf would be fine just keep the water changes on schedule they are messy eaters with the few corals I have I dont consider it a reef set up yet but my Antennata has never bothered any of the corals I have nor has it bothered any hermit crabs but it did make a quick snack out of my cleaner shrimp I once had. Hope this helps,good luck with the new set up.


Go with the fuzzy dwarf lion... I have one in reef/aggressive setup -it became a reef when my corals outgrew the 75 and I had to put the cuttings somewhere - fuzzy are a lot more laid back the regular dwarf lions and a little better eaters.
Just make sure the lion is eating frozen and feed him only every other day. They grow fast and should reach full size in a few months if everything is going fine.
If you need any other info, just ask....