List for setting up my 135g


Im starting off this list with these things from Please do not post competitor's links on and i need to know if this is all that i need for equipment aside from lighting to setup my 135 gallon reef. I have a 35 gallon underneath to use for a fuge.
1x Rena Air Pumps 400
1x Eheim "Feed-Air" Digital Automatic Feeder
2x Eheim Aquaball Powerhead 172 gph
1x Prizm Skimmers Prizm Deluxe
1x Portable Refractometer 0-100 ppt salinity and 1.000-1.070 specific gravity
1x Hydrokable & Hydroset Electronic Thermostat
1x Hydrokable & Hydroset Hydrokable 100 watt
1x Coralife Power Center Single
1x Coralife Digital Thermometer
1x Tropic Marin Sea Salts Pro-Reef for up to 200 gallons
1x Shock Buster GFCI Portable Single Outlet
1x Ulti-Nets 10" x 7" Large Mesh w/ 27" Handle
1x Mag-Float Medium
1x Master Liquid Test Kit Saltwater
1x Flexible Bubble Wands 48"
1x Ozone Resistant Tubing & Holders 8'
How does taht look?


I'd pop for either more, or more powerful PHs. It's my understanding that for a reef tank, you'll want to be getting up around 20x or more turnover. You'll also probably want a few more laying around for the reasons below . . .
While you're at it, go ahead and get at least one, two would be better, you might even want three, extra heaters and thermometers. If you go for a QT, that'll take up a heater and thermo, you'll want a heater and thermo for the water you prep for water change. If you end up curing/storing LR in a seperate container, yep another heater and thermo (And PH). PHs, beside agitating your water change water and LR storage, are great for moving water from one container to another. Also handy to have around in case an in-tank one fails. As an example, at this very minute I have two batches of water going . . . 20g to either go into the QT or main tank (Tank water then into QT), and another 8g to change the water in my LR storage bin, both using a PH and heater (only have one thermo to share between them).
Not sure what the air pump is for, unless it's to drive your skimmer.
Get more than one SHOCK BUSTER outlet. I have two of their quad units and am using three outlets per, and also I have their inline GFI unit for my lights.
Maybe another container of salt, it's amazing how much you'll go through. I have a 90g that's been up for a little over a month and since I'm curing my LR in my tank which requires some major water changes, have a bucket for extra LR storage and curing that requires water changes, and setting up a QT, I'm already nearly halfway through my second 58lb bucket of Oceanic salt.
Lastly, buckets, buckets, and more buckets! A couple of 5 gallons, a few larger ones (20g-30g) and extra vinyl tubing.
Don't see a RO/DI unit on your list, but you can pick one up at a lot of other places.


Active Member
I dont see a return pump. Is the tank drilled? If not you need an overflow box and a returmn pump. Drop the air pump and bubble wand. ---dont want air in a saltwater setup. If you want to do it right drop the maxi jets and get a seio or do the maxi jet mods. or get an extra pump and do a closed loop. drop the coralife power strips, and just go to lowes and get shockbuster outlets and regular timers. I have heard alot of bad things about the power it is cheaper with regular timers.
keep on giving setup list and we will keep giving


Active Member
Originally Posted by nightstalk
Im starting off this list with these things from Please do not post competitor's links on
and i need to know if this is all that i need for equipment aside from lighting to setup my 135 gallon reef. I have a 35 gallon underneath to use for a fuge.
1x Rena Air Pumps 400 You do not want these on a saltwater tank

1x Eheim "Feed-Air" Digital Automatic Feeder
2x Eheim Aquaball Powerhead 172 gph I would go for bigger powerheads

1x Prizm Skimmers Prizm Deluxe This is a pretty junky skimmer. I would probably look at something with a little more quality.

1x Portable Refractometer 0-100 ppt salinity and 1.000-1.070 specific gravity
1x Hydrokable & Hydroset Electronic Thermostat
1x Hydrokable & Hydroset Hydrokable 100 watt You are going to need a much higher wattage heater.

1x Coralife Power Center Single
1x Coralife Digital Thermometer
1x Tropic Marin Sea Salts Pro-Reef for up to 200 gallons
1x Shock Buster GFCI Portable Single Outlet
1x Ulti-Nets 10" x 7" Large Mesh w/ 27" Handle
1x Mag-Float Medium
1x Master Liquid Test Kit Saltwater
1x Flexible Bubble Wands 48" You do not want this on a saltwater tank

1x Ozone Resistant Tubing & Holders 8'
How does taht look?
The things I would change are above in bold.
You also need to add a return pump.


Hi nightstalk,
i am going to set up my 140 soon and i would appreciated if you could update your list for me so i could get an idea of what other things i need to get also tnks


Sorry i couldnt get back last night, (school)
im on right now in shcool so i cant give the list right now but i will revise and post again when i get home. (ive got alittle computer nerd in me too, most message boards are blocked in my school)
ill revise and repost later.
btw thank you for all of your help


2x Jäger TS Automatic Heaters 250 watt
1x Ulti-Nets 10" x 7" Large Mesh w/ 27" Handle
1x Mag-Float Medium
1x Master Liquid Test Kit Saltwater
1x "Feed-Air" Digital Automatic Feeder
3x maxi-Jet Powerhead/Pump Model 1200 (295 gph)
1x portable Refractometer 0-100 ppt salinity and
1.000-1.070 specific gravity
1x Digital outlet timer
1x digital thermometer
1x Tropic Marin Sea Salts Pro-Reef 200 gallons
1x super Skimmer Needle Wheel Protein Skimmer 125 gallon
1x Shock Buster GFCI 24" 3 outlet
heres my second list of things after i posted the first time and got some advice on stuff. Any suggestions on a water pump to return water from the fuge and an overflow box for it also? am i missing anything besides the pump and overflow?