List some uses for ro/di waste water.


Could you please tell me where you got your unit and how much it cost? I would love to get one, but I don't want to tear up my sink to install it.


Well-Known Member
let's see: :notsure: :thinking:
Can't think of a thing :D
Maybe thats because I dont use ro/di


Active Member

Originally posted by sailfin
Could you please tell me where you got your unit and how much it cost? I would love to get one, but I don't want to tear up my sink to install it.

Check out for some good units. A few members have gotten their units from AWI, myself included, and are quite happy with them.

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by sailfin
Could you please tell me where you got your unit and how much it cost? I would love to get one, but I don't want to tear up my sink to install it.

Running a Y off your washing machine inlet would be much easier, you'd have more room to put the unit on the wall instead of working in the cabinet and filter changes would be much easier. You would also be working with standard "garden hose" size pipe, which most units come with pre-installed especially from kent marine. If you had a leak you also chances are have a floor drain in the near vicinity of your washing machine instead of in the kitchen it goes on the floor, rots your wood, and could cause catastrophic damage. One little leak can really wreak havoc on a house.



Originally posted by sailfin
Could you please tell me where you got your unit and how much it cost? I would love to get one, but I don't want to tear up my sink to install it.

You can also run your unit off the ice maker on the frige. I talked to the guy that runs the machine at walmart here in town and he said that he could install one in my kitchen for $800 that would produce 35 gpd. Thats awfully high but it would be proffesional and a lifetime warranty. -Alex


Active Member
Drink it. That is what we bought ours for until I got into saltwater.
Drinking water is what they were originally made for I think. Lesley


Active Member
Whoa, I think most of you are off course here, my question is what are some uses for the WASTE water coming out of the ro/di. Seems like no one really has any suggestions other than watering the plants.


Active Member
It would just be hard water, so IMO you could do whatever you wanted with it.
If your RO reject waste water is say 4 gallons waste to 1 gallon of good RO water - then the ratio would be 4:1
The mineral content in the waste water would roughly be 20-25% greater per gallon ( very rough estimate ) than your normal tapwater.
Watering plants or garden would be okay I suppose.
Or washing clothes, car or other cleaning uses.
Realizing that the higher minerals may leave water spots on the car or require you use more detergent/soap for laundry or bathing.
If you have a water softener on your tapwater, that feeds the RO unit, some of the minerals ( calcium/magnesium ) would already be reduced.
I probably wouldn't make a habit of drinking it, but that's more from a potential bacterial reason than anything else. The surface of the RO membrane could house bacteria in non chlorinated tapwater, such as in wellwater.


I set mine up in the laundry room, making 5 gals of RO/DI water produces exactly engough waste water to do one large load of laundry. I just put the waste hose into the washer. This way I actually have no wasted water.