

Active Member
Without a doubt I think damsels are the hardiest fish but many people stay away from them due to there very aggressive nature.
Second on the list would be clown fish. Very hardy also and very pretty although some will get aggressive also.
As far as adding corals I would wait awhile.
6 months as stated above would be a safe waiting period I think.


Clowns and Damsels are awsome beginner fish. They are very hardy and disease resistant. I would hold off on the corals. Also before purchasing corals make sure you read up on them and make sure you have the right lighting and other equipment. Pick up several good books and read read read that is a great way to learn what fishes or corals you may want.


Active Member
damsel, are hearty fish, but most of us don't like them, because they are highly aggressive(so aggressive that they will even act so towards tankmates much larger than them),
but clowns, firefish(a type of goby) and other gobies, blennies(scooters and lawnmowers),
chromis(which are actually a damsel, but much more peaceful), and i hate to sound like a broken record, but i would not add a tang to a tank under 75 galons(or 4 ft long),
and i too would wait several months before adding corals