Little Boys Bedroom Mural - Opinions?


So yesterday My son told me that he hates his new bedroom because he has nothing to look at (I took his television off of him since he wasnt going to sleep instead he was staying up all night watching cartoons)
I decided to paint his bedroom with the Rescue Heroes since this is is favorite thing. (He's 5)
The pictures arent that great because I couldnt get far enough away without looking in through the window
But what do you think?
Left side shows Jake Justice
Right Side shows Billy Blazes



OMG!! That's awesome!!
I hate my room too!! You should visit Charlotte sometime. :)
Man, if my son said he hated his room, I'd hafta go get some of that cheesy border.


Active Member
not bad. my wife does murals for peoples rooms , its not so bad now but i used to come home to find somthing different on the kids walls nearly every week lol. she uses the walls like giant pallets lol. her art is amazing though to its worth it.
i'm sure you kids loves the painting. i would take it a step further and use foam, scupting tools and molds to make his bed look like one of the cars or trucks from the cartoon..
then go by him sleep wear that is also like rescue rangers so that bed time would be like dress up time. We would then paint the fans to look like helicopter blades and then replace the light cover on it and make one that looks like a helicopter. then when his fans on it's "Rangers to the RESCUE!!
paint the outside of the door to his room to look as if its an entry way to the rescue ranger hide out type thing.
good work. feel free to email us for pics of some of the work she and I have done.
well mostly her but i help a little lol


Oceana, what you just described sounds like something I would expect to see on "Extreme Makeover, Home Edition" LOL...


Active Member
some of the designs she/we do look as if they would be to. the fun part is that once you have the tools and equipment all you need is her artictis ability and its rather easy. we chose to do nothing the "normal way" we always go ALL out. people are willing to pay big bucks for rooms like that . and we are willing to let them . lol


Thank you all for the comments - we are working on more things for the inside of his room- not sure I want to do the door though
he does already have the PJs and the dress up gear and we are going to put up fireman pole that we put up next to his bunk bed
I would be very interested in seeing some of the murals your wife has done Please email at
I have been considering as a next job starting a mural business for kids rooms


Active Member
that looks great.
fyi: i used to work at the home creepo and in their special order wallpaper books you can see some REALLY cool stuff. they have full wall murals based on pictures that i'd like to have on my wall. really really really cool stuff. if you're in there and have the time check it out. if you can don't order from them though as i HATE that corporation. :D