Little clowns won't eat....


Hello I got some new little tank raised O. clowns, they are vigorous little guys and seem like they want to eat but they just spit it back out, I have tried: formula one and formula two frozen. They are about 3/4" long, I have had them about 1 week, tests are good on water, have done water changes, no illness. Ph is right on the dot 8.2, water temp is 78, 0 nitrites, 10 nitrates, 0 ammonia-what can I try? They do nibble at a small algae bloom I'm having but-it looks like they are just tasting it-Whats the best food for them? On an intersting note the shrimp, starfish and hermits love the formula one and two. Any sudjestions before I go back to LFS would be great!


Crushed flake food or cyclopeeze, I'm currently feeding some blue reef chromis that will only eat that for right now, they are still very small fish and can only eat that or cyclopeeze.


My clown didn't eat for about a week after I got him. They maybe used to just eating what the store gave them. Ask the store and find out!


Active Member
The food you are feeding may be to large for them. Try the frozen cyclopeeze like Thomas said or even zooplankton in the jar. Mine were very tiny when I got them and that is what they ate along with crushed up flakes