Little Help

king kyle

New Member
Ok i am now ready to add fish into my tank. I currently have 2black molly's, 2Snails, a Coral Banded Shrimp and a hermit crab. I would like to add a mated pair of Percula Clowns or Maroon Clowns also a six line wrasse and if possible another CBS. My questions are, 1) What fish should i purchase first the Wrasse or the Clowns and 2) Is it too late to add another CBS?


Your fish list sounds fine, but do not add another Coral Banded Shrimp -- unless they are a mated pair, they will kill each other.
If you are going to get a pair of Maroon clowns - be sure they are a mated pair - Or if not sure, get 1 big Maroon and the other significantly smaller. After some battling, a pecking order should be established. Maroons are difficult to pair, they are the most aggresive of the clownfish. It is not unusual for the larger one to kill the smaller one. Perculas are much easier to pair up.
If you go with the Maroons, they should be added last as they will be the most aggresive fish on your list.
The Six-Line Wrasse should not be any problem with the fish on your list.
[ September 08, 2001: Message edited by: Amphiprion ]