little help


New Member
ok so i have 2 claki and a purple dotty in my 29 gal tank with an anemone. the anemone has been in for about 3-4 weeks and the par have been great. but the tank seems to be cloudy and have a lot of green alea on the walls. the wost part is that all my hermit craps and snails keep dieing at about 1-2 per week for the last 6 weeks or soo. so 1) if anyone can tell me what to check on to see y they keep dieing, and 2) what alge eatting fish might help? oooo the tank itslef has been up for about 4 mounths now.


Active Member
I think your system is too new for an anemone imo. As for the algae and hermit deaths. Do you know what your parameters are and can you list them? My peppermint shrimp eats my hermits from time to time. Normally excess nitrates and or phosphates are normally responsible for algae blooms. These excess nutrients come into our tanks via water source and or feeding especially over feeding.


New Member
I brought my water to a LFS to have it tested becouse im kind of new at it and it keep comming up Well on all things, sal. MG. CAl, Nitrite, kh/Alk. ect. the LFS said it was all "OK" but that they think that i might be overfeeding the Anemone with Coralife. That would but too much protein in the water and cause cloudyness. Dose this make sence to anyone?


Active Member
What are you feeding the anemone and how often ? is the Clarkii hosting the anemone ? If so he should be feeding the anemone and you wouldn`t need to except a piece of shrimp once and a while .


Active Member
Also how long has your tank been established ? What about Phosphates ? Did your LFS test for them as well ? Also "Ok" to one person is great and terrible to another , wish you had the numbers to see exactly what is going on . If everything is "ok" , you wouldn`t be having cloudy water or inverts dieing .