Little Help :)


New Member
Hi, i would like to get back into the saltwater hobby again and a lfs shops is selling this is this worth it i dont really like the look of nano tanks becauce they look squeezed but im willing to get it if they are good the guy at the lfs says it does reefs,coral,live rock with out spending more money on equipment so are nano tanks also the one in the link is it worth it. Cheers


no experience with that brand but looks fine for a softcoral or LPS tank (PC lighting). I purchased a JBJ28g HQI several months ago as my first nano tank and have to say the all in one tanks are a nice way to go. Might want to shop around as there are some specials out there now with tank and stand at a pretty good price.
Good Luck


Active Member
Never heard of the brand but that's a good price for an all in one combo. You'll be able to support 3-4 small fish with softie corals like mushrooms, leathers and zoa. Maybe lps near the top.


i have a 28gal nano cube set up....and they are great tanks man. I love it, mine provides a 3 stage filtration and pretty good lighting 105wat CF quad combo. Ive never had any problems with it. All my corals and fish have been fine since i first got them. Lighting is pretty for soft corals.