Little Mantis and Nudi question


How is everybody doing? i have this issue that i think i need advise on.... my tank finally settled down after 5 month or so. Except for minnor Diatom & ALgae problem (Nothing CUC can't handled).
Last night after lights off, i was looking around the tank and saw this small little bugger at the back of the tank, at first it looks like a pistol shirmp ( i have tons of small one in the LR)m but much to my horror it turned out to be a "Little Mantis" about 1 1/2 cm big.
just this morning, i had another suprise, i saw a Y shape Nudi slug thingy crawling on the DT front glass, orange tipped on either end. But when i wanted to take the bugger out it just DISSAPERED!!! maybe the Sixline ate it?
Now, the question would be abt the mantis. should i let it be in the tank until it's big enough for me to catch it or should i just risk turning everything upside down to catch the shrimp?
Nano tank: 20G - 2 False, 1 Sixline, 6 Turbos, 1 cleaner shrimp, HAmmer Coral, Plate Coral, BTA, Sebae Anemone, Shroms and RIcs. LS / LR
Thanks! :)


you could try to rig up a trap. Find some sort of plastic container with a lid. Cut a hole in it big enough for the mantis to crawl into and put some sort of meaty food in it. Put the lid back on and submurge your trap before the lights go out near where you saw the shrimp. The little

should be able to get in easily but will have trouble getting back out. In the morning check your trap to see if you got the little guy.
As for the nudi, I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that your sixline ate it.
Good luck