little problem here


ok i got 1 72gal tank and just recently found out that my lighting sucks so what i want to know is what kind of lighting set-up do i need and how much it approximately costs i got some live rock and the algae wasn't growing or anything and its been a while so thats how i got to the problem at hand any advice would be great


Active Member
What kind of lighting you get depends on what you plan on keeping in the tank...
Is this going to be a ish Only (community) tank...Reef... Softies, LPS SPS Clams Anenomes..?
Big difference on how much you might need to spend...


Active Member
depending on the depth of your tank and types of corals you plan on keeping leathers and pollups , some softies LPS ect can have lower light levels but just like fish it depends on the species itself make sure yo do reasearc b4 purchasing any types of corals to know exactly what lighting you will a search for corals and get an idea of you want .then you will know what lighting you want.if you plan on keeping any anenomes or clams plan on metal halides .


for a first tank i would get either a power compact or VHO fixture. then later if u wanna keep clams or SPS then u can upgrade to metal halide. unless u got money to blow then go for the mh and pc or vho combo.


Active Member
IMO, to keep " a wide variety of species " you should have MHs or alot of VHOs. For a limited variety of species then PCs.


do i need a 123 or 4 bulb fixture money isn't a prob i want the best now so i don't have to replace it later


well then i would get the 2x250w HQI and 2x110 vho. or something to that nature. maybe just single end halides. i know corallife makes a 2x250HQI and power compact combo thats good. u mite wanna look into that. i got a 1x175 and2x75vho combo on

from cooltouchlighting. i love it. im sure they can make u something to ur needs.