Little thing


Active Member
I have this little flower looking thing coming out of my live rock. When the fish swim by it goes back in the rock. When the fish is gone it pops back out. What is it? It is white and looks like a flower, it has little points intead of petals. I can't get a good pix cause it is so small. I was just wonder. thanks


does it look like a feather duster - but with "not as "feathery" of a plume? I had a REALLY small one - I'm sure it was some sort of duster


I agree, sounds like a feather duster to me. It is a kind of worm that is harmless to your tank.
Feather Dusters...especially the Hawaiian variety are beatiful creatures. They really add some vertical color to any reef tank.


i have 3 feather duster that hitched on my lr. its all brown with alittle white. is there such a thing as a white feather duster?


Most of the purple-colored LR I've gotten (I think it's commonmly refered to as Fiji Rock?) is COVERED in light colored and even PURPLE colored feather dusters... ONLY about the size of a pea as far as it's "plume" is concerned... For some reason, the ones facing my light have stopped popping out and the ones on the undersides of my LR are thriving... maybe they like very little light???
I would agree though that the Hawiian Feathers are the coolest. I have one that is HUGE and he loves it when I dump in some phytoplankton!


Active Member
Mine looks just like that but smaller. Man you guys are my heros. I give you a crappy definition, and you know exactally what it is. Yet again I am truley amazed.
Leopard, feathers are nice huh? If, in the future, you want more of them......right here on they sell Hawaiian Feathers. Truly awesome colors, the 3 I bought are all doing fantastic and the biggest one (roughly 4 1/2") is vibrant colors that turn almost flourescent under the actinic lights. They resemble underwater peacocks.


Active Member
That is so cool. I haven't really stocked my tank yet. I am working on it. i am not keeping a ree tank. isn't a feather duster something that you would by to put in a reef?



Originally posted by calvindo
it sure is leopard! there so cool to look at =)

whooppss... didnt read your post correctly. i think theyll be okay, if your tank is not set up as an agressive tank


Active Member
lol-whatever dude
LB has been on this bord alot and she actually takes the advice other people give her.


Active Member
Heeeeeeeessss baaaaaakkkkkkkk!! :mad:
anyway, we have a bunch of these as hitchhikers and are kind of fun to watch. cool pictures.


Active Member

fish:mad: :mad: . I still have the feather duster. I like coming to this board for help.. It is even better when people rip on you when accidents happen.


Active Member
Leopard.....don't bother........he was completely blasted the other night when it came to Clavindo's beautiful tank. Broomer had to
play the edit game!
Just go through, you will see he is not really going after just you.
Hope things are looking up in your tank.