little tidbits of info

sign guy

Active Member
Well I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread for everyone to veiw
that is full of things you never think to post. The thing in this hobby that we forget to mention cuz we get cought up talking hi tech stuff and never mention the smaller things.
Ill go first.I now these things are posted on this site allrerdy but thought it would be nice to have em in one place.
If you have a overflow box and it is running, you do not need to stop the flow to do water change. if you turn your pump off all water will run into your sump. after you do your water change, start your pump back up and the overflow box will start back up automaticly.
also if you are topping your tank off for the first time after you installed a sumpbe shure to keep an eye on the sup cuz its filling up. That was what I did when I got my sump. *thinking to my self* hmm the water needs to be topped off. 2 gallons latter hmm thasts funny it needs a little more 5 gallons later hmm why is water all over the floor.
see what I meen things you think are a given just post them here for us dummies to see.


all the critters that come in the Live rock isnt always bad and make sure of what you have before ditching it. it could be very benefical.


Always check the levels of tht "RO" water you bought at your lfs
A TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) meter is a very valuable tool.


Active Member
Research your purchases
Don't impulse buy
Take what your LFS (local fish store) says with a grain of salt
Above all: remember your fish/corals are living creatures that you are responsible for


always make sure livestock is healthy and eatting before you purchase it form a LFS. dont just take the salespersons word for it.

mandarin w

Always quarintine your fish and corals before you put them in your main tank. The fish could be carring parasites, and the corals could have red bugs, or other things.
Be sure of what you are putting into your main tank. You don't want to find out the hard way, that something you put in there was infected with something and you lose all you fish and corals.


Originally Posted by sign guy
also if you are topping your tank off for the first time after you installed a sumpbe shure to keep an eye on the sup cuz its filling up. That was what I did when I got my sump. *thinking to my self* hmm the water needs to be topped off. 2 gallons latter hmm thasts funny it needs a little more 5 gallons later hmm why is water all over the floor.
see what I meen things you think are a given just post them here for us dummies to see.
Indeed. I'm still a card-carrying FNG and last week ran a freshwater system/leak test on our first tank. While attempting to remedy an overflow surging issue, I played with the amount of water in the tank and was a bit mystified as to why the level in the DT or overflow didn't change as I added or subtracted water . . . didn't realize (And of course the sump owner's manual didn't mention it!) that changes in water amount affect the level in the sump. Luckily, I had the stand's doors open and could see that water level changing in the sump.
and dont skimp on things cause of price it will cost you more in the long run!!!!!
Although a policy the Mrs and I decided to follow from the start, still fell victim to it, all to save about $20. Selected the main return pump based pretty much solely on GPH and price . . . found out it was a less-than-desirable brand (probably not horrible, but not really all that great) so bit-the-bullet and got a more well-regarded pump. Now I have an unused (other than unboxed) pump . . . guess somwhere down the road I'll find a use for it, maybe in the salt-mix bin.


Active Member
If you use powerheads inside the main tank, make sure the intakes are protected with a mesh or sponge filter so they dont suck up your livestock like fish or anemones...


Active Member
Thought of another one...
Buy a book like "500+" by Michaels and leave it in your car. That way whenever you find yourself drawn into a pet store you can read about whatever you're looking at.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Thought of another one...
Buy a book like "500+" by Michaels and leave it in your car. That way whenever you find yourself drawn into a pet store you can read about whatever you're looking at.
or just carry a lap top arround at keep close tabs on this site


Active Member
Don't feel sorry for that "sick looking" fish or that tang in a 10 gallon. You can't save them all. That would be up there with impulse buying.


Active Member
dont supplement by what the bottle says go by your test kits, if you cant test for it dont add it.
just because something worked for one person doesnt nesecarily mean it will work again or for you, (this is a generalization)
the reef safe label given to too many critters and fish doesnt mean will get along with everything in your tank, example a lionfish is reef safe (wont hurt your corals) but it will eat any of your other fish it can fit in its mouth and they have large mouths.
If your not sure, research/ask, dont just try it and hope for the best.
Always check to make sure that the powerhead your purchasing says safe for marine use.
Slow and steady use the 6 P's (proper planning prevents piss poor perfomance)


Active Member
Never use copper in your DT, even if its not a reef right now, you will probably change your mind down the road, and its tough getting it out of your system completely.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
Never use copper in your DT, even if its not a reef right now, you will probably change your mind down the road, and its tough getting it out of your system completely.
thats a great thing to mention
not only that but if you ever break down the tank whoever ends up with the live rock may end up with mysterious deaths and never know why. I mean honestly who tests their tank for copper after adding LR?