little white bugs many ?

ok . tank has been cycling for over a month now and on the glass i noticed little white bugs . very small . im talkin no picture takin of these little guys . they dont seem to be a problem . but . there is that many of them it looks like air bubbles in the water . should i just let them go ? it basically looks like they are on the glas then let go and get tossed around in the water .
i do have a skimmer going 24/7 live rock and have 4 shrimp , 10 hermits , 2 snails in there .
any thoughts ? or am i just over reacting?


Active Member
It sounds like just pods. They are very abundant during and just after a cycle because of the food availability. Their population wax and wane in response to the acvailable food.
Side question: Is your tank fully cycled.
Originally Posted by Cranberry
It sounds like just pods. They are very abundant during and just after a cycle because of the food availability. Their population wax and wane in response to the acvailable food.
Side question: Is your tank fully cycled.
honestly im not sure if it is fully cycled . im just so confused to tell ya the truth . over the past month here is what happend . we bought our setup . everything new , mixed all the sand and waters got that all good and running . 3 days later all the dust cleared , took a water sample to the lfs and they said it was good to add live rock . so we added 40lbs of really good purple live rock from fiji . gave it like 1-1/2 weeks then took a water sample to them since they are the experts . told them we are getting good algea on the rocks and bottom . water tested good for them . so they said you could add a few small things to help clean up . so we got the 4 shrimp , 10 hermits , and 3 snails . the shrimp are doing well . the 1 snail is everywhere , and the other 2 snails are hard to find i think they got hiding spots in the rocks . the hermits . heck there hiding to cant ever find more than 4-5 at a time .
but we had those critters in there for about 2 weeks now and this past weekend we took the water to the store to see if maybe we could get some fish . and he said our nitrites are to high for anything . i was kinda mad upset that we even added the other stuff at this time becuase we where doing what told .
so we bought our own test kits and everything is in good line except the nitrites .
here are the tests from yesterday
calcium 480
dkh 8
nitrate .5
ammonia 0ppm
phosphate 0.0
nitrates where .1
also we just stumbled onto this site a few days ago . i wish i did it sooner . might have saved us some trips to the lfs which is over an hour away on a good day . 90 mins with traffic .
but im glad to have found this forum . it is very helpful .