Little white bugs in my tank?

I have little white bugs that are so small they look like little tiny bubbles. They appeared a few days ago and have not gone away. What the hell are they? I do not need my prized emperor and naso tang getting some freaking disease and dying. I just lost a beautiful racoon b/f for no reason, just died on me after 3 weeks, and it sucks really bad. I have the juv emperor, naso tang, red general starfish, one blue damsel, and one green chromis in the tank. I have a friend who has fresh water tanks and he says it's little baby fish, but I doubt that since these things are the size of a pin head. There are about 5 sq in of them and they congregate near the lights. And I also don't understand how they don't get sucked into the overflow and down into the sump and killed. Please help me with this one. Thanks, Jollygreen


if they are on your fish then you have the dreaded ick. do a search of the disease and treatment forum for ick, youll get all the info you ever wanted on it. if theyre not on your fish but are on your glass and about everything else then you have copepods which are a good thing. theyre just small insect type things that could be food for your fish.


New Member
I had the same situation a few weeks ago. A water change will take care of any concerns you have if they are copepods. Do they swarm together on the side of the tank esp. where algae grows???


If they are coepods then you really don't have anything to worry about..they are just the sign of a heathy tank! Watch when you lights go out with a flashlight and shine it in the tank (be careful not to aggrivate your fish with the light). If they're coepods they will literally be all over your rock..substrate..everywhere! Just relax..unless it's ick..which would actually be on your fish..then freak!
Good Luck!