Little White Critters, Bad Right?


I have a 90 gal reef started bout a month ago, it was transfered from a 20 gal. i have 1 false percula, 1 hippo tang, 1 cleaner shrimp, bunch of snails, live rock, and hermits. But what i want to talk about are these really small criters that i saw this morning while turning on the tank, they are whitish clear, and they ran into the live rock upon turning on the light, I want to know what they are and if they're bad, how to get rid of them. Please respond with any info.


Those little critters are good! They mean your tank is cycling and developing correctly.
probably Copepods
Kim :D


Active Member
More often then not the little critters we see on the LR are good rather then bad.
I agree with the above post in that they are probably some type of microcrustacean.


in addition to copepods, i recently observed what was either a mysid shrimp or a small mysis shrimp. either way, it was very cool...

nm reef

Active Member
If I was to show pics of those to my manderian it would do somersaults......*_^....he hunts 'em all day while he picks copepods from here and there.........