Little yellow crab?


I was just looking in the aquarium and there is a tiny neon yellow crab scurrying around. It's a little less than two centimeters wide... It's in the general shape of a true crab, not like a hermit. We recently had some kind of eggs in the tank but there has been some LR recently added so it's probably a hitchhiker. I can't take a photo as it is too small and too fast for my camera to be able to take a picture... Anyone have any ideas?


Active Member
Not a clue, sounds cool though.
I can't believe with all the people on this site nobody knows!!


You say Neon yellow, I think bright-friggin-yellow. Like highlighter yellow.....and on a crab?
I doubt it's extremely bright yellow only because i've never seen a very bright or colorfull crab before, a scarlet red hermit being the brightest.
Regardless of it's color intensity, i'm very fascinated and would purchase atleast one if I knew what it was and could find one. Let us, or atleast me, know if you find out what the bugger is please.


No... I still have no idea. It's a bit brighter than the yellow tang, and tiny, and it's definitely some kind of crab, however small... I guess it's not a problem though!


Well if I find more than one I'll keep my fingers crossed for a neon-yellow crab population explosion in my tank, then I can market 'em.
The LFS that I like best always has live rock with some bizarre hitchhikers, and an aiptasia anemone or two, but that's normal I guess. Of course, it helps that they let me pick through their rock.