
HI! After they hatch how long can I keep them alive? do I keep them in a container with fresh water or SW.

fish fry

If you have a large enough container you can keep them alive for a while. If you want to feed adult brine shrimp it takes a couple weeks for them to fully develop.
They live in salt water so that's what I would keep them in. I have actually heard of people storing them in a large containers, outside during the summer. Algae grows in the container and provides food to them.
They get to be more of a pain then they are worth. But if you are interested I can send you a decent link on them. If you want it just email me.
Fish Fry


Good morning...I am wondering what anyone thinks about growing brine shrimp in my hospital tank?? I know nothing about hatching brine shrimp, but I was told once that you had to skim off the egg shells or it would cause your fish to become constipated?? Are there anyother hints??
Thanks all
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


There is a special shrimp kit for $9. the idea is that you put a light at the bottom and release the shrimp with air line tube and the shell floats to the top

fish fry

The hatching kit works pretty well. Most of the eggs you can get are already encapsulated...they have the shell removed.
If you have a hospital tank set up you can easily use it to hatch and raise them. They get to be a little bit of a pain in the *ss,
Hatching them is easy but rasing them is a little harder.
They are good for feeding filter feeders or Fish Fry (NO not me I mean baby fish ;) )
However they are not the healthiest food you can feed your fish. If you do feed them I would suggest soaking them in some type liquid vitamins, or eles make sure to supplement their diet with other foods.
Any other ?'s just ask.
Fish Fry


Active Member
I take the easy way out. I bought a 1 gallon plastic critter container at my LFS and a cheap 5 buck air pump. I buy live brine at my lfs every Tuesday night when he gets his in take it home put it in my container with new SW at about .1020 salinity and it lasts me a whole week. Yes Brine is like candy to a fish, not that healthy , but it sure gets their attention. It is the best thing to start new bought fish off on and get them eating before you switch them to better foods. I use the brine or my live blackworms as treat foods along with normal good foods such as Formula 1 & 2, Angel Formula, Trigger Formula, Mysis Shrimp, Krill, Squid, Silversides, Life-Line Green, Beef-heart all rotated from day to day (I have said before my fish eat better then I do).

fish fry

Pufferlover - Now I'm Jealous, I wish my LFS sold them live. I knew of one that sold worms but they are ovre an hour away.
Fish Fry