live brine?


i have heard that having live brine is really good for your tank and that the fish love it .is this info true? if so what can i do to start this prosses. is it tuff? what would i need to do this the right way?(equitment)and so on. any info would be helpfull thanks


so is it mor of a pane than its really worth or can it be cool dont the live swim around in the tank making the fish work for it


Active Member
Actually, in brine shrimp the red color is a sign of oxygen depletion.
It all depends on how well you feed the brine as to how nutritious they are. Brine shrimp are indiscriminate filter feeders, meaning they pick up and eat everything that's the right size, without regard to it's nutritional content. This can be a bonus, in that if you think your fish need a suppliment of some kind, you can feed it to the brine a few hours before you feed the brine to the fish. The supplement will be packaged up in prey critter goodness.
I personally would rather hatch and raise something native to the waters your fish are from. Look for rotifer eggs, available in some of the same places as brine shrimp eggs.