Live cured Rock in new tank ?


I need some advise I purchased a complete kit salt water 75 gal. It has been running since November 14th 2008. I have been feeding the tank and also putting reef complete and reef carbonite in the tank. I have aragonite sand bottom. Added grunge from local fish store. I was wondering if it would be safe to put in cured Fiji rock now? A local is selling 150 lbs of Fiji rock that he has had for years. He thinks now is when the tank can take the live rock and it would help the tank quicken the cycling process. I was told by the local pet store I should not add until the complete cycle has happened. I was thinking of putting 75 lbs of live rock I would appreciate some help.


Active Member
i dont see why not. have you tested your water? i doubt u are going to find anything anyway. test your water, when you get the rock keep it wet at all times. get a big bucket or numerous buckets, fill it up with sw and put the rock in to eliminate die off! when you get the live rock you have to cycle regardless. i am assuming the seller has the rock wet right?


Active Member
I would add the rock as soon as possible as there won't be much 'cycling' without the rock in there. Also, with nothing in the tank, you don't need to dose the reef complete and reef carbonite. You need to worry about that when you have corals, etc that are depleting elements, but for now you should have plenty just from your saltwater mix.
+1 on the buckets when you get your rock.


Active Member
i have the same tank and the one thing i regret doing is making a rockwall..rockwall covers the entire back wall with rock its really unique looking and leaves a nice sand bed! i would probably put a good 100-125 in there. probably 110..
rock wall aqua scape from a LFS around me..