Live Rock and sand how much how fast


I have 55 gal fish and invert tank with cc substrate and lava rock I want to change to live sand and rock . Can to much be add to fast and is live sand a bad idea. LFS told me not to go with live sand . wich should I change first.
and can I do this with water in the tank or should I remove it, please help


Well first off deffinately keep the water. Can you place the fish and inverts somewhere else for 3-4 weeks?


If I were you I would keep some of the lava rock around as well for part of the base that you can't see. It will help the process move along a little faster and will keep the cost down as well.


Just be sure to take it slow, like JW said. Do a lil at a time and try to "seed" it with some of the cc. This will save you from losing a lot of the benefical bacteria.