live on line


New Member
I am planning on ordering live rock on line and what i was wondering what web site do you beleive has the best quaility live rock.


The best live rock I've found is from <a href="" target="_blank"></a> Pay the extra and get the deco rock. I ordered 30 lbs of deco and 30 lbs of coraline and it is full of critters. So far I've found 4 anemones, several clams, some conch snails, brislte worm, and a couple of corals. It came in on Friday and I'm very pleased.


Take a look at I think their price is reasonable. Gulfview is also great. Another option is FFE. Good Luck.
if u want to skip a step in the rock process go to <a href="http://www.***************.com" target="_blank">www.***************.com</a> they sell cured fiji live rock for what i think to be a great price considering my lfs sell uncured for $1.50 more. good luck :)