Live Rock Bugs?


I just purchased my first piece of live rock, already had a good bit of sponge and stuff on it. But I started noticing litle white worm looking things on it, so when I got me magnifying glass, and really bored last night, I started noticing these lttle grey "bugs" crawling around on it. Now I am REALLY new to all of this, I have read alot of these boards (you all seem to be the experts), and have talked much about "hitch-hikers" but can anyone tell me what these things are, and if they are good or bad for my tank?


They're too small (and quick) to get a pic of (tried for like an hour) the worms are white and appear to be "segmented" with rings like a normal earth work, just really tiny. The bugs are plain grey, long antenae and appear to have alot of legs.
I know it's not much to go on, but that's about all I can provide. Is there anything really bad that will come on live rock? Or is any extra life going to be a bonus?


OK, I keep finding new stuff on this piece of rock. Tonight I find what looks like 5 littel white worms, but they are all connected to what I have to call a round body, almost looks like an itty bitty star fish, but the legs are the same size (not triangular) and it crawls.
I swear I am going to return the magnifying glass, I'm spending WAY too much time staring at a rock!!!


"itty bitty starfish" could be a brittle star.
As for the "bugs," look at the "tail." Is it curved around like a shrimp?


Shrimp like thing sound like pods
white worms with body are brittle star
flea like things are a type of pod
All the above will only help your tank not hurt.