Live Rock dead?


New Member
Can your live rock die? I've read a little bit on the subject in here, but I'd like to know if its really true. What are the signs if it does? :confused: :confused: :confused:


it is true...any visible life and all the beneficial bacteria can "die off" the biggest signal of it would be an ammo spike


New Member
That makes sense. And speaking of spikes in levels, my nitite level isn't going down. I did a 10% water change, but with litle results. Any suggestions?


Active Member
the water changes will increase the time of the cycle. Just sit back and relaxe, that's the only thing u can do.


Active Member
it generally only dies, if
left out of water for weeks
or some typr of contaminant is introduced to the tank, including some medications.
If you are cycling and bought LR for the tank, dont worry, all will be fine soo.


Active Member
speed up the cycle process, MAYBE
seeding it just means adding live sand and or critters to help make it live
LR will also seed the sand bed, by introducing critters and baacteria to it


New Member
well my fish are in the QT and my yellow tang finally got rid of the ich. Can't wait till next month when I roll out the red carpet for them to the display tank. I would like to get a regal tang also, but I heard tangs don't get along in pairs is this true?


generally you dont do the same body type and color for the tangs. if you are wanting to add another tang try to add the yellow last. he will establish a territory in the tank and will defend it firsly if he goes in first.
HTH someone else can elaborate on it .


New Member
I was looking for a larger tank also. Is anyone selling or know of someone selling a 125+ gal tank for a reasonable price?