live rock dying off?


New Member
just started up the reef tank, its been running for 3 days now. i have 50 pounds of tonga fusion lr that is currently cycling the tank. my question is, when i took the lr out of the box it flourished with pink coloration and somewhat of a green alage. the lr has also been in there for 3 days but since then most of the alage and whatnot has died off which i know is expose to happend, but the rock now is turning dominatly whitish along with the pink. is this whitish look normal when stuff starts to die off? also how long before the lr starts to grow back?


Active Member
Yes it is normal. The algaes died when they were shipped.
They will grow back. It takes time for your tank to settle in. When depends on your lighting, current, etc.
Avoid too high of an ammonia spike while cycling. Do water changes when your ammonia fets near 1.