Live Rock from this site...


Hi all, I just got my 25lbs of LR in today from this site. It looks so nice...all colors of the rainbow are on it (but purple :notsure: thought that strange)
It came in the 2 day time period ( approx. 43 hours time travel) as stated by this site.
My question is: should it not smell bad from the die off due to the time in transit? For some reason it has no smell at all, just wet.
I cleaned and scrubbed it real well to make sure there were no nasty's on it and rinsed it in a batch of saltwater I had ready for it's arrival.
How long should I wait before I put it into my display tank, 3days, a week?
This is the first time I have ever bought LR on-line, always got it from the LFS. But this looks so much better

Do you think it is possible there was hardly any die off? Like I said It has no bad smells at all.


You could have no die-off, but I would play it safe. Maybe something died and just isn't smelling yet
? I would cure it in a tub and keep testing the water for a spike.


Active Member
How big and how much rock is in the tank now and is it for a new tank or an already established one with fish ?
Was the new rock still wet when you opened it?


Originally Posted by tinydove
Hi all, I just got my 25lbs of LR in today from this site. It looks so nice...all colors of the rainbow are on it (but purple :notsure: thought that strange)
It came in the 2 day time period ( approx. 43 hours time travel) as stated by this site.
That's funny because I have the EXACT same thing as you. Except mine smelled HORRIBLE! (I got my 20 pounds of rock from this site today). I have it in a Rubbermaid tub with a power head and I'm also wondering how long to cure it.