Live rock help....and other questions...


I am going to be setting my 55 gallon up for saltwater in about 3 weeks. Next year we plan to go to a ~180 bow, (putting hardwoods down right now, need to wait on the big tank for now) but will be doing the 55 for now. I found uncured liverock and am not sure on the difference. I found Fiji and Tonga. Which is better. This will be a a reef tank. The tonga is more $$, is it a better rock?
I am also going to be using the HI rocks as a base. I can get that in either 60 lb or 30 lb. The fiji and tonga come in 44/45 pound boxes. Would I have too much rock if I went with the 60 lb of hi rock , then another 45 of uncured liverock? That would be around 100/lb rock in a 55 gallon.
How do I go about placing it? I know to put the sand in after placing the rocks on the bare tank bottom..but add sand on the first day as the rock or wait until the tank has cycled? I plan on doing water changes as needed to keep the ammonia down and preserve the life on the rocks. Is live sand worth the $$ or just go with lace sand also?
Also is there such a thing as too much filtration? I wanted to go ahead and get the Aqua-C EV 180 for tanks up to 180/gallons so I don't have to replace it next year. Is that too much for the 55 gallon?
I will be getting the RO/DI unit from the auction site to use.
Can anyone recommend a good overflow box and a flow rate for me? My 55 is not reef ready, but will get a drilled one for the larger one.
As far as the powerheads, what kind of turnover do I need for a reef? 20x? Can I place powerheads on opposite sides of the tank back, or does the flow need to be one-directional?
Lastly, on MH bulbs. I have the standard 55 gallon and this is what I have found...Which would better suit the tank for ability to keep anything I might want to as far a corals and such..
Choice 1. 48'' 2 X 150 HQI 4 X 65 Power Compact
Compact Ultra Reef Hood-four 55W German Made Metal Halide Bulbs included - 10k, 14k and 20k and power compact - 10k, actinic, 50.50, or 6500k bulb included.
Choice 2. ULTRA REEF HOOD POWER COMPACT + HQI - 4 55W + 2 250 HQI German Made Metal Halide Bulbs included - 10k, 14k and 20k and power compact - 10k, actinic, 50.50, or 6500k bulb included
Both these choices have optional moonlights. Is that something I should consider?
Thanks so much!! I am taking my 55 Freshwater down now and so excited to get my saltwater running. Hubby has to do the hardwoods first, which will be in 2 weekends!! SO I should be ready to set up in 3 weeks. I jsut wanted to have everythign but the uncured liverock ordered and here ready!! Oh, as far as painting the aquarium.. I am going to paint it blue. Can I just use spray paint? or is there something else I should use?


Active Member
You can spray paint the tank, it will take a few coats. As for the fiji vs. toga rock it is a matter of shape. I like to mix both. The tonga is branch like in appearance. I would go with some fiji for sure and then if you want additional rock purchase some tonga. When you mentioned "hi" rock what is that? Sorry if I missed something in the post but I am guessing it is some type of base rock?


Originally Posted by fishmamma
When you mentioned "hi" rock what is that? Sorry if I missed something in the post but I am guessing it is some type of base rock?
Yes, hi rocks is base rock from hawaii. hi rocks dot com


well tonga comes in 2 shapes, one the tonga branch, and second is the tonga rock, its kinda like a bunch of little branches formed into a rock. wierd shapes. but the branch is thicker. about 12 to 1in. i have a 55gal reef with 90lbs live rock and 15lbs in my fuge. so if ur planning on a sump u can always place the left over rock in there. and finally i would get the 60lb base and 45lbs of tonga branch. i personally live the branch. i have some in my sea horse tank. they love to hang on it. i have a 600gph u tube overflow. but the cpr overflows are good to. and 20x will be good. i have a 40in spraybar and 2 powerhead on back glass under the spraybar pointing down, and 2 on the sides pointing at each other. and both mh sound good i have 2x175 and 4x65w pc. if i where u i would get the 2x250w mh. if its not to much more than the 150w. and i dont think there is to much filter. the 180 is good but for the 180 u mite want something bigger for the 180. i have a skimmer rated at 120gal and the same one on my 29gal. u mite wanna either get a smaller one and buy another small one and run 2 skimmers on the 180 or buy small one and buy a new one for the 180. spraypaint will do fine. good luck.


What is a spraybar and where can I see/get one? The tonga is not branch..actually rock. I read that tonga branch was not all that good for lr filtration..meaning it does not have as good an area for the good stuff to grow. I may get a few pieces of branch for deco..but for my filtration the tonga rock. From what I have read most people like Mag PH's. how many and which ones would I need for flow? I would like to minimize stuff in the tank so will be using a sump under it for heaters, skimmers, etc... Do you have to match the overflow rate with the return rate from the sump? I have never used a sump before.


a spraybar is, well mine is 12in pvc with end cap and a row of holes for water to come out. its pumped by the return pump from the sump. tonga branch is rock in the shape of a branch. tonga rock will have more area for bio to grow. but since ur useing base rock its not a problem if u wanna use branch. as for ph i use aquaclear. but maxi jets are the best for wavemakers. u could get away with a spraybar and 2 ph one on each side. u kinda have to match the rate of pump and overflow, i have a 750gph on my 600gph overflow, but since the spraybar is 40in and the sump is 3 feet under the tank its probly only running at 500gph or less. plus i have a ball valve on the return just in case i wanna slow it down.