Live Rock Help


My tank has been up and running for about Seven months, so I know its cycled. I wanted to add more live rock, but as I have been reading once the tank is set up and cycled it will kill anything living overnight. I have a 45 gallon with about 30 pounds of rock, 4 fish and 4 corals, and everything is doing wonderful, so I dont want to

it up. I have hurd that I can add base rock and that wont hurt it, but I need some real advise.
Thanks Eric


Active Member
Yes you could add some base rock, tufa or lace, without it causing a cycle. Just be careful if you do this so you don't stir up a bunch of gunk from the exisisting rock or sandbed. That could cause a spike in ammonia.


Active Member
i just added 60 lbs lr to my tank.
it was cured but i put it in a tote with a heater and pump for 3-4 days and check the ammonia if it is zero .i would just add it to the dt.
mine didnt cycle again.

aztec reef

Active Member
Base rock is your best bet. You wont even be able to tell the difference once base rock becomes live and covered in coraline..


Active Member
Base rock is the cheapest and safest route, but you can add cured LR to your DT but you need to cure it yourself in a tote or bucket. Nothing that your order online will be cured when you get it even if the description says it is. LR at your LFS probably won't be cured because it does not stay in the tank long enough to cure plus IME they don't maintain there liverock tanks that well, its best even if you get from the LFS to leave in a tote or bucket with a PH and heater for a week or two and treat the tote like a brand new tank test the ammonia and nitrite levels and do water changes until they drop to zero then it is safe to move the rock to your existing DT without upsetting the nitrogen cycle.


Yeah thanks for everything, I just didnt want to kill everything off, I have worked so hard to get going. So I wont move any of my original live rock i will just kind of work around it. I thought I had enough but when I started to se other tanks with more it looked so sharp.
thanks again