live rock in orlando for sale.


I need to make room im my tank for other rock my friend is going to give me. I'm selling florida aqr. rock. 3 dollars a pound. may have about 30 pounds to sell. i dont now a bout shipping yet. i would rather sell local. that way you can pic your own rock. here are a few pics of some of the rock.


all of it. But I don't know if I can afford all of it right now. Can you cut me a deal if I come and pick all of it up?


thanks waterfaller. I will not be buying this rock. I heard that some where before about the mantis and the rock being not good. Your post is not the main reason. I just can't afford $90 right now. But thanks for your input you might have saved me a lot of trouble.


sorry 90 is too high for you. but this rock has been in my tank for 3 years. lots of animals on them and frankly im sure tonga might be better. as for diversity, you want to get rock from diffrent places. there are different animals from everwhere. and the rock would be in the tank. not being shipped to you with out even seeing it first. so if anyone is interested in the rock and animals, well they can come over and look for themselfs and see the diversity in the rock. that's all im saying. thanks waterfall for you expertice. but im sure someone wouldnt just use this rock as their only tank rocks.