Live rock inhabitants?


Am new to this reef board but thought someone here might be able to help me! I have some kritters coming out of my live rock that I would like to identify, they sort of look like a snail without a shell and they have two little antenna or feelers! First noticed them when I seen puffs or clouds of smoke like stuff being discharged by them, one was discharging white and the other one was sending out a yellow cloud! Several days after this I got to looking closer and there are very tiny ones, so small you can hardly see them on some of my substrate and sometimes on the glass! The big ones are maybe 1/2 inch long and 1/4 inch wide! Anyway I would like to know where I could find info on the things that live or might be found in LR, I have searched everywhere I can think of on the internet and came up empty, can anyone steer me in the right direction?? The above mentioned kritters seem to be grazing on the algea!


Thanks for the tips, the photo site was great and FAQ site answered my question as to what that critter was (stomatella varia), common name for them is "cap snails"!
[This message has been edited by aries7 (edited 09-02-2000).]