Live rock or limestone?



I an not new to the hobby, but have a question. I Have a 92 gallon fish only tank that I want to renovate. Currently I have about 80lbs of live rock and maybe 60 pounds of sand. I do not want to set up a reef since I already have a 115 thats doing awesome. This tank is more for a pretty display.
Currently the live rock is a eye sore. It looks ugly and I want to change the look. Someone mentioned using limestone. I want this tank to look like a display tank with a good number of fish freely swimming and very colorful.
I know liverock has some advantages, the questions is...what are the drawbacks to using limestone (besides having to bleach it occasionaly).
Was originally going to place some artificial coral in, but limestone is cheaper and provides better hiding places. Pleasse provide your inputs...
Again...looking to create a only saltwater..


New Member
what type of filtration are you running? i personally would suggest keeping the l/r. the live rock is one of the best type of filters you can have. it also makes the ecosystem more diverse, but its really up to you, i hope your ready to do more frequent water changes and be skimming like crazy if you remove your l/r.