Live Rock ? Powerheads?


New Member
I am setting up a 46 bow front reef. So far I have a 100 Seaclone skimmer, 150watt heater, 30lbs sand plus 25lbs live sand. I would like info. on how much live rock to use, I found it to be expenisive $6.00 lb. Any suggestiions where to buy some reasonable price? Also, I need infor on how many powerheads? I have noticed the maxi jets suction on to the sides of the tank any way to put them any where else in the tank to hide them? thanks for any info. you can share!!!!
I wouldnt use power heads all they do is add heat to your water. Now depending on where you live that could be a good thing or a bad thing. In the north a good thing in the south bad thing because of how cold or hot it gets i have a gemi water pump that i got from *************.com it sits above the water so the heat that it gives off isnt dumped in the water. FFexpress is having sales on lr and so is its all expensive. i hope that helped
The general thoughts are 1.5 Lbs of LR for every 1 gallon of water. I agree it can get expensive but if you can afford it, buy premium the long run you will be happy you did. $6.00/lb. is not really bad..I paid $8.99/lb. and when getting 20-25 pound pieces....yikes the total can scare ya.


sanangelosaltfish, what kind of powerheads are you using that will heat up a 46 gallon tank? Hell, I think I'll buy one of those and trash my heater. Kill two birds with one stone!


simply do as search online for live rock; there will be plenty of vendors; on average should able to find a 45 lb for $99 plus S&H; depending on S&H may decide which place you choose; maybe enquire on here about a few of the vendors you checked into for possible purchase; you will want to have large rubbermaid container established w/ water, heater depending on general temp of the water, PH , & some say a skimmer to aid in recuring the LR before putting into your display tank; some people say do do slight water changes every couple days or so as well


i agree with the lr as being 1-1 1/2 lbs/gal. if you want to get it all at once look on line for the packages. if you dont want to spend that much in one spot you could always try to find it fully cured locally and buy a couple pieces here and there when you are ready.
i dont think you can really hide the pwr heads maby place some rock in front of them. the maxi jets hold up very well. and definitly go with pwr heads you will need the circulation especially if you decide to go with corals. depending on the species some need low, med, to high water flow. as far as heat we have 5 in a 75 and it doesnt affect the heat at all.


hey I have a 46gal bow as well. I have 75lbs. of live rock in it. You know your only going to spend the money on the rock once. It will never go away so dont cheap out on it, you will be glad that you did in two months from now when you see the incredible growth on your tank. Also, I use to aquaclear 402 powerheads. I have one on the back of the tank in the middle pushing water out to hit front of bow. One on the right side facing left and upwards pushing against fron glass. the two water flows collide and make good current. 75 lbs makes a nice size mountain, most of my filters are now covered. good luck