Live rock problems


New Member
We just can't seem to keep anything on our live rock, no algae. our tank has been up for over a year! lots of problems with our animals. now all that's in there is 1 royal gramma, 3 damsels, 1 brackish puffer, coral banded shrimp, and hermits. 70 lbs of live rock, and about 20 lbs live sand. Any info would be appreciated!


Active Member
what are your water parameters? is it a reef tank, fowlr, what do you have for a clean up crew? what kind of lighting/filtration? im sorry to have to reply to your question with a ton more but to figure it out we needmore info!
good luck


don't you hate it when you ask a question and get a question, i also am wondering with a question, what supplements are you adding to your tank? no algae is good depending if its a reef or FOLR tank. let us know.:)