live rock question


Ok, it seems that most people have at least some live rock in their tanks. Right now I have a 55gal with a half black angel, domino, and chromad (sorry about the spelling) I have a mix of live sand and crushed coral. I dont currently have any live rock, just dead rock. Do I NEED live rock or will the tank do fine without it? It's just the price that scares me away. Also I have been told that I do not need a skimmer for my size aquarium as long as I dont over stock it. Would everyone generly agree with that?
Thanks for your help.


What type of rock do you have now? Rocks that are put into your tank will eventually become LR after a few months with all the right conditions. I would buy a skimmer it helps remove unwanted stuff from your water.


New Member
Live Rock is definitly worth it:) If you can't afford a bunch at once.. maybe buy a little here and a little there.
Marks Girl:joy:


yeah, you don't have to have it, but not only does it help filter your tank, it's pretty too!!! most everyone would agree that your tank will benefit from having live rock in your tank. I agree with Marks Girl, just buy a little at a time and if you don't have a local store with good prices, buy online with a place that does free shipping.

jonny bolt

I suggest getting some live rock. You will notice the prices at your LFS, if they have it, will (usually) be substantially higher than prices online. I have seen live rock at a LFS for 8.99 a pound lol. If you can only afford several pounds to start out, do it, and just get it at the LFS. Start out small, its ok. I personally believe its better to start out with atleast some, rather than never have any. The lower prices on the net are offset by the shipping costs, so when you can afford say, 24 pounds of it, then get it online. I bought 72 pounds of Tonga Branch live rock, it cost like 83 dollars to ship it. Total cost was over 350 dollars. But I split it with a friend. If you have any buddies with a tank, that may be a good option for you :)


You really should have LR because it is the basis of your tanks biological filtration and it also gives your fish very much needed places to hide and set up territories. Like you are doing now, you can add base rock for the majority, but you should add atleast some LR to help seed the base rock. I would go for 50/50 if you can, atleast 75/25. I am going to do 50/50 in my new 75 gallon setup to help with the costs. Like already stated, in time your base rock will becaome LR.


You also stated you had CC mixed with LS. You should try to sift out the CC and remove it and replace with straight LS.