Live Rock Question

fla. keys

Can purple coraline algea still form on rocks that are partially covered with hair algea?
Currently my live rock has no purple on it although the glass in my tank is starting to form purple spots especially on the back glass.
The rocks however have a short this hair growth on them and I was just wondering if this will intefere with coaraline growth?????????
Thank U all.


Active Member
not sure either, but you can prune it yourself, and get some trochus,a nd staret(if you haven't ) testing calcium an maintain it, this a nd good water flow will help alot wiht the spread of coraline, if it is ALL covered, it may interfere, and if it is long, the sails won't touch it either, we had to prune ours a couple of times, til the snails caught up to it


Active Member
Yes, coraline algea can grow on Lr that has hair algea. I have a few pieces covered with coraline but also has hair algea.


Active Member
Nope. I will disagree with the above post. Algea compeats for space on rock. If hair algea has taken over a rock coraline has nothing to encrust over. Now, having said that, if there are spots on the rock with no hair, it will grow there.


Active Member
P.S. a tooth brush works wonders for hair algea. Just be sure to siphon it out when your done or it will spread even faster. Also make sure your protein skimmer is running right...


I tried the toothbrush thing once. Just make sure you rinse it out good. Colgate and hair algae taste like **** together.

the claw

Active Member
I think crabs are the answer (sallylights,and mithrax.)They hammer dog on all that ugly stuff, and let the coralline shine through.