live rock question???


New Member
I downgraded my tank from a 90g to a 50g back in October. I left the the extra rock to dry out. Now, I would like to put a few pieces into the sump. Would this be detrimental to my display tank? Should I do anything to the "dead" rock prior to placing it in the sump?
Any advice would be really helpful.


needs to be recured before being added to the sump or it may cause an ammonia spike. The living organisims died off in the intervening time will still come off in the water, even if the rock is completely 'dead'.
In fact, now that I think about it, probably be safest to do it would be to take a piece of live rock from the current 50g, put it with the rock you wish to add in something not attached to the water supply for you current tank, and let it cure for a few weeks (just make sure the water circulates by adding a powerhead and keep the temp right).
My two cents,


Active Member
If it is completely dried out then you could put add them, no harm. BUT, do this slowly as adding them all at once could cause problems. If they are not completely dry then I would not do it. You could bake them to ensure everything is gone, or a better option would be to re-cure them in a 5 gallon bucket as stated above ^^^^. Just make water, throw a heater and powerhead is in there and wait until the levels are 0, if they ever even spike. You do not need to seed this rock with other live rock, just make sure your levels are fine.


yeah, you don't have to seed them - but if you're going to put them in a bucket and test levels and wait
...and test levels and wait
... anyway, why not go ahead and kill two birds with one stone!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Firestorm
anyway, why not go ahead and kill two birds with one stone!

b/c if it is a good piece of live rock, the ammonia spike from the other rock would ruin it. I see what you are saying though


Ruin it until it finished curing anyway

but i see your point too
basically either method would work, just different strokes for different folks I suppose