Live Rock questions


looking at odering some live rock off here or another site. Im a little scared i will need 20 - 40 pounds and although ALOT cheaper than buying at LFS (9.99 per pound). its still gonna be a nice chunk of change. now the questions
Faster is better is two day shipping fast enough or should a guy go 1 day
Whats the best rock, looks, style, pourous with lots of benificial and hitchikers etc...
any one had bad luck ordering this stuff online for example getting a box of rubble or do you truly get some good pieces in the 45 pound boxes what are the avg sizes of the rock
I currrently have a 45 gallon FOWLR with around 20 lbs in it mostly little pieces 4-6 inches some larger 6-12 and i want to be able to make a nice looking reef out of it.


Active Member
imo 2 day delivery is ok... but 1 day would be best.. but not needed.. as for sizes.. i think rocks the size of grapefriut are the best size.. why ?? well .. cuzz they are easier to aquascape.. my bro have ordered lr from a onlyine vendor and it was nice.. we had to 'cure' it and that took about 2 1/2 week to cure with 2 skimmer running..


I plan on curing it in some plastic totes before placeing in tank I dont wont to upset the balance of my tank by putting dead/dieing stuff in


Active Member
overnight delivery IS necessary. a lot of dieoff will happen even on that one night. plan on a possible curing cycle and don't put it into your main display tank. i've lucked out on some great stuff on elay that brought me to a local swf site, but that was a fluke. the stuff i've bought of other states has arrived primarily half dead on arrival.
i have yet to get lr from yet though as i get all i need from my local area. so i have no experience in that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ThaNgBom
imo 2 day delivery is ok... but 1 day would be best.. but not needed.. as for sizes.. i think rocks the size of grapefriut are the best size.. why ?? well .. cuzz they are easier to aquascape.. my bro have ordered lr from a onlyine vendor and it was nice.. we had to 'cure' it and that took about 2 1/2 week to cure with 2 skimmer running..

the bigger the better if you have a 100+ tank. even in my 55's i have problems with engineer gobies (i'm partial to them for sand sifting) you really can't keep a tall rock structure with little rocks imho. :notsure:


think i go for the overnight del. just to stop some die off ,still going to cure it in some plastic totes until water remains free of ammonia etc...
thanks guys


If you put it in the rubbermaid containers to cure it, do they did filtration of any kind? Or heating, aeration, lighting...etc.?


Originally Posted by Bandman
If you put it in the rubbermaid containers to cure it, do they did filtration of any kind? Or heating, aeration, lighting...etc.?
they will need heat and water movement (powerhead) I need to reseach the whole process but i know it involves steady monitoring of the levels (ammonia, nitrate etc) and water changes for a couple of weeks until they are stable enough to go into the tank.


Originally Posted by Madman133
Where do you live? I can give you someplace that might have stuff locally email me at
Not much around here in south dakota for live rock. 2 stores in town that sell it 8 dollars a pound to 10 dollars a pound.