Live rock smelling?


I currently have about 8lb of live branch rock in my tank. i had purchased a larger about 7 lb piece of figi rock from my lfs and they said it was cured, just to be safe i put it in a seperate tank next to my tank to be sure. I have been testing the water about every other day when i go to work and the water was fine ammonia 0 nirate and nirtire both 0 too. i jsy took the rock out and added it to my tank while doing a water change and notice while putting in the tank that it smelled! is it still curing ? I rember it smelled when i bought it? Not sure what to do should i take it out of my tank? i already have fish and seastar and a couple snails in there and don't want to lose them. Thanx


I agree with NAS. You may have some dieoff which pre-existing bacteria in the rock is handling. the other alternative is your test kit may be expired and not reading correctly. in either case, be careful putting the LR into your system!


No the test kit is ok , i work at a pet store and test my water there with these strip test kits that we use for our system and we go thorugh an entire bottle in one week so i know they arent bad. Should i just trying scrubbbing it?


Active Member
test strips are the not the best test kit to use IMO when i worked at petsmart we used them and they sucked