Live Rock Supplements


New Member
Hi everyone :)
I have a new 75 gallon corner flow tank. I have 20lbs of live rock (I'll be adding to that this week). The only thing in the tank now is a turbo snail.
I have read that LR does better with some supplements. I am currently adding Seachem's calcium supplement once a week. I have read that Iodine, Strontium, and Trace Elements are also beneficial.
Could someone give me some recommendations on which ones are good ones to use? I would love to get things looking a little less drab. :)
Thanks in advance :)


I tried using all kinds of additives, but I found that I was testing levels every day and that I was using up my test kits and my time. One additive, calcium, didn't seem to work even. Now I am using the easy method: water changes. My salt mix (Oceanic) has everything needed and I only have to do this every couple of weeks instead of every day. My tank has responded wonderfully and I am way more relaxed.