Live Rock Transport


I'm purchasing LR - 80-90lbs from a tank that is being broken down. The rock looks real good, lots of coraline algae. I live an hour away, if I transport in tubs with saltwater can I insert into my tank?


New Member
That should not be a problem, you could lightly scrub them before putting them in your tank...Discard old water.

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by poofter
That should not be a problem, you could lightly scrub them before putting them in your tank...Discard old water.
I agree, but are you setting up a new tank or adding to your existing tank? If an existing tank you may want to QT the live rock for 3-4 weeks to make sure you are not bringing Ich into your system unless you are sure that it is coming from an Ich free situation.


Active Member
There are alot of pests that can come with live rock. QT is the best solution.
All it takes is one small aptasia hidden in a cranny to well you get the idea.


I am a believer in QT, I have a small tank I use for my fish, I do not have the resources nor the space to QT 100 lbs of LR. The reason I was interested in this LR was that it was coming from a tank with healthy fish, the rock was not being shipped for a day or two, it would only be out of the water for an hour or so. I think I'm minimizing the impact of introducing anything bad by knowing where the rock is from and not having it exposed and dying for a day or so. Am I asking for trouble?


Active Member
No Die off will be at a minimum. If you feel comfortable with the reefer who gives it to you. But I have seen alot of great reefers with great tank have pests. Spend some time looking it over while its still in its current home.