live rock with aptasia



So, I can get about 75-100lbs of live rock for really cheap but it has aptasia on it. I dont want to just drop it in my display tank and then try to treat it from the sounds of it. So what do you guys think would be the best way to keep the rock live and treat it in a seperate tub or aquarium? I dont have the tub/aquarium yet so any advice on what to put the rock in for treatment would be helpfull.
Im thinking like a small plastic pond or pool or just a regular glass aquarium.
How big of an area would i need for 100 lbs of rock?
If i went with the pool/pond/rubbermaid tote whatever, will i need water flow on that? obviuosly a heater is in order. what else?


Active Member
Mix your own aptasia treatment use an Kalkwasser slurry and apply it with a eye dropper or buy Aiptasia-X


New Member
Peppermint shrimp love to eat the smaller aptasia, I used aptasia x but I couldn't get every single one, they show up in the weird places. My tank height is two feet so its are to get the ones in the back corner thats why I added peppermint shrimp.


Is there anything I could just add to the water of the QT tub? that wont kill the algae ect but kill the apatasia?
Im afraid if i spot dose that if i miss just one out of 100 lbs of rock that it will all be for naught and once I put it in my display tank it will be much harder to deal with.
If shrimp are really the way to go, perhaps i should just get a bunch of them and a copper band and put them in the tub and let them kick it for a while.
maybe silly, but how about a small torch? can i just burn them out without killing everything on the rock?

eric b 125

i've heard of people using torches under water and burning off the aiptasia, but torches get so hot that i would expect large amounts of die-off. how important is it for you to keep the live rock 'live'?


im not talking about under water. the rock can be out of water for a couple minutes as I understand it. plenty of time to kill a couple aiptasia and stick it back in the tank.
Or should I just get a bunch of peppermint shrimp and throw them in there and let em go to work and kill the large ones with aiptasia -x?


Well, my current rock has no coraline on it and this stuff does so its fairly important. I mean I guess I just need live rock for the tank being that it is a 90 and I only have about 45-50 lbs now and adding 75-100 would be really nice. id even have a few pieces for putting in my new fuge im starting pretty soon.


Im going to pick up the rock here in about 3 hours, could use some insight if anybody has any suggestions


Having dealt with aptasia i would say skip the rocks lol, however my issues were diminished with the addition of 2 peppermint shrimp in my 55. they did amazing things to those dang anemones lol


I put all the LR into a tote with a heater and a small blower and threw in 3 peppermint shrimp. Alot of these things are pretty large, so ill have to kill them off myself. I tried squirting some lemonjuice at one jsut to see if he was dead in the morning.
The shrimp went to the bottom and i havnt seen them, im assuming they are munching away as I type.
The LR was a nice score, 100 lbs for 75 bucks and I found a RBTA, a bunch of mushrooms, a ton of feather dusters bright blue, snails, and a few corals i have no idea what they are. i dont know much about corals so ill post pics in a couple days so you guys might help me ID them so i know what they need to live.
I also bought an engineer goby from the folks taking down the tank, hes about 12" and I threw him in with my lionfish, fist thing ive had in there other than snails that he doesnt want to eat.