Live Rock


I have an 80 gallon fish only tank, with a fluval 404, protien skimmer, 2/900 maxi jets and have cloudy water. I want crystal clear water. Here comes the stupid question. By having live help clear up the water??????


The answer to your question, IMO, is yes and no. The LR will help with filtration of your water, but not entirely. And it won't entirely clean up your water either.
What are the water params for your water? e.g. ammonia, nitrites, etc.
What is your substrate?
And what livestock do you have in there?
Do you have a protein skimmer?
The more info you provide, the more the members here can help you.


How old is the tank?
Do you do water changes? how often?
How often do you feed?
Are you running carbon?
Want crystal clear water go with ozone in the skimmer.


My base is crushed coral (I know yuck), fish only,
1 Clown
2 sea urchins
2 neon gobies
1 domino
1 electric blue damsel
1 yellow tan
running fluval 404 with carbon & ceramic rings, sea prizm & 2 900 maxi jets powerheads
Paramaters are as follows:
PH 8.2
Salinity was normal
Amonia 0
nitrates 0
tank has been up for about 3 months
temp is between 78-80
as far as I know, these are fairly normal
just like I told my hubby, I just want to sit down and cry, because I can't get the clear water, it's just a little cloudy